Sea Water for Sanitation

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Sea Water For Sanitation

Dear All, 

The entire marine industry utilizes sea water for Sanitation and general housekeeping. Sea water is also used as secondary coolant for engine cooling, jacket water cooling, air conditioning, deck washing, ballast and so on.
Why is it not being used on land ? How are countries in middle East namely Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq ... etc managing ?
They are using large de-desalination plants that cost a fortune for installation and maintenance. They also import fresh water.
But for Sanitation all use sea water.
If we too use sea water for Sanitation and house keeping lot of lives can be saved. It is just a matter of pumping, supplying and distributing the sea water into households.
Separate lines can be laid out for the same.
Even for firefighting.
God has supplied us abundantly. let us embrace wisdom and make it a better place.
The fresh water from rivers can be used for the more domestic purposes like dish washing, clothe washing, bathing ...
It is a must that every household be supplied with the sea water line.
A further development would be using Gomutra (cow urine) for purification of seawater. It is the Ram banam (God's Arrow), a panacea that can purify everything and anything. Glory be to God !!

With Regards

to be continued ...


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