Zero - 2 (Subtraction)

Dear All,

Continuing on our series of different methods of dealing with calculations. Taking help mainly from Vedic Mathematics, then from Abacus and other ancient techniques. They work fine.


We do from left to right. As we read from left to right, why do we do math from right to left? The endeavor here is to develop from left to right. It builds speed.

Eg:- 26-5 = 21, 26-9 =?

Generally we borrow from the ten's digit and then do 16-9=7 for the unit's place. Then we get answer 17.
But now, we do subtraction by 10's compliments.
1 9, 2 8, 3 7, 4 6, 5 5 are compliments as they add up to 10.
Now for 26 - 9 = 26 - 09 = 2/ 7 = 17.
2-0=2, as 9 is greater than 6. We take the compliment of 9 ie 1 and add it to 6 to get 7. Now whenever you use compliments slash the digit on the left ie reduce it by 1. Here 2-1=1. So the final answer is 17.

Eg:-    5643               7521
         -1254             - 4382
          -------               --------    
          44/9/9             32/4/9 
          4389               3139

Whenever the lower digit is higher, just take the compliment and add, next lower the digit on the left by 1 by marking with a slash.
So, no borrowing or carrying in our head. This is a time-tested approach and it takes away our struggle.
Some more examples. {as writing so doing, it is that simple}.

Eg:- 6345       7213        5214.25
      -1892      -5323       -4345.18
         ------       ------            ---------
       5/5/53     2/9/90     1/9/7/9.1/7
       4453       1890        0869.07

{Remember, here we have used the slash, but actually you just strike out the digit to the left when required and reduce it by 1}

Hope, the reader is practicing the methods stated so far. Now we come to the thought that, it would have been very nice had there been some simpler methods in subtraction.

Nikhlam Sutra - All from 9 last from 10.

Eg:- 100        1000        700000     8000.00
       - 27         -  27       -125478    -1546.75
       -----          -------      -------------    --------------
         73          973        574522     6453.25

This is the beauty of Vedic Maths. This is applied when we have zeroes in the first number. Starting from left, we just subtract every digit from 9 and the last from 10. The first digit on the left is reduced by 1 whenever the Sutra (formula) is a applied.
Generally, in monetary calculations we do have to often subtract from large numbers in zeroes. Isn't it amazing?
Hope, this short session was useful.
As mentioned before, people going for competitive exams, do only Vedic Maths. One starts answering the questions in the text books by different methods. Once, you have innovative ways of calculation, whatever the degree might be, one's approach is always simple. In some of the sessions, the people generally ignore with a bored look, but someone who is not so good at math, just catches the method. To everybody's amazement he or she shoots answers like crazy.
So, not to be all that bookish. To understand math with logic and reasoning. To apply Sutras (formulae) whenever we get calculations. The subject is really very vast. But for the time being elementary methods are more than enough for our usage. It actually goes into all the chapters in Mathematics. 

People spend lot of time hunting for shortcuts to success. We speak, brag a lot about Vedic Maths because it is definitely worthy to be praised.

Kind Regards, 


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