Zero - 1 (Addition)

The value of zero.

Dear All,

This is an endeavor to further our understanding of the fundamentals of Mathematics. It is not always the hard-work or the work-hard that receives adulation. Here, we will be enumerating a series of methods different from our regular practices to ease up our calculations. Once this area is covered, people can concentrate more on the reasoning and logic in Maths. God has actually provided for us early systems like Vedic Mathematics, Abacus and so on. They are very difficult to be picked up at later stages in our lives. If one is already in college or job, where do we get the time for these extra efforts.
But believe me dear readers, Vedic Mathematics is the game changer. One does not need to memorize anymore. One who is really good at math in our schools, colleges and institutions, hardly studies. This is mainly because of the techniques used.
On observation people especially those going for competitive examinations do need some skills and have to acquire them fast. If one is asked to go through long tables like 14*19, 16*18, 15*16 ... very difficult. But those who are exposed to these methods find relaxation from the pain of mugging the tables or memorizing them.
We learn our subjects in schools, colleges, and private tuitions. So, there is actually no need to repeatedly discuss the same things. Once people know these methods, they practice them alone. More later, lets get into action :-


(Never add more than 10 )

eg:- 23 + 52 + 75 = ?, Ans = 150.

Suppose we write in columns one below the other and add. Whenever the total comes to above 10 just send the extra forward, mark the left side column with a underscore or dash. If we get 17 we keep 7 and forward the 10. So we continue adding with the 7 in our mind.

But actually we don't even follow that. We add row-wise and put the answer just there. Add the tens first and later add the units digits. We do reading and not adding in our mind. 20 + 50 = 70. In the mind we don't say 20+50 but just 20 then 70. Hope that's clear. Reading and not adding. It comes through practice and is far more enjoyable.

In the above example, we do 20 70 140 143 145 150.

596 + 683 + 497 + 6254 = ?, 80/3/30 , Ans = 8030.

Just visualize this as
5/96 + 6/83 + 4/97 + 62/54
{just separating with a slash. Now we add the tens. We do only reading not adding.
So, 90 170 260 310 316 319 326 330. We have 330, we keep the 30 on the right and move the 3 forward. For the left side 5 11 15 77 and the 3 makes it 80.
The final answer is 8030.

Actually, I'm first answering then explaining in this article. It is so fluent. Vedic Mathematics is the turning point in our approach towards the subject. People who are good i.e 75% will get into the 95-100% range and those who don't like Math will definitely start loving it. These are the foolproof methods that never go wrong. Just when we follow and appreciate our God given gifts, struggles are not reduced but they just vanish.

7589 + 4152 + 3544 + 1879 = 169/2/64 , Ans = 17164.

We visualize as 75/89 + 41/52 + 35/44 + 18/79
For the right side do 80 130 170 240 249 251 255 264. For the left side 70 110 140 150 155 156 161 169 and 2 from 264. So the final answer is 17164.

Please practice as this is time tested and works well all the time. The beauty of Vedic Mathematics just cannot be ignored. We do earn a lot of degrees but it is more important to dominate the fundamentals.

For adding practice the 10's circle is given.
Just draw a circle. At the opposite ends put the digits 2,8 3,7 4,6 5,5. Not to add but read in the mind as the digits that add up to 10. This fastens the additions in the real sums.

Well, that's it for now. Please bear with me. We will soon be doing tables up to 20 in four different methods. That is just the tip of the iceberg. We simply put the calculations into the hands of the God. The impact is evident more of our Science subjects like Physics, Chemistry ...

Actually, the more fluent one is at Sanskrit; the better one is at Vedic Mathematics. There are 16 different Sutras (formulae) and sub-sub sutras (sub-formulae) which need must mentioning.

Moreover, things get easy when you move towards the zero. As we add the 10's first in the above example. And that is the beauty of Vedic Mathematics. I don't stress to repeatedly repeat the phrase because very confident that it will always work wonders. Hope, this has been worth your time.

With Regards,


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